Monday, December 28, 2009

Albums of the Decade

My list:

10. The Avalanches – Since I Left You (Modular/Interscope)

An imaginative record. The myriad of samples and the creativity of how they were used. A perfect dance record.

9. Interpol – Turn on the Bright Lights (Matador)

"You've supported me for a long time/ Somehow I'm not impressed." This is post punk that I can support.

8. The Strokes – Is This It (RCA)

The quiessential rock record of the decade.

7. Outkast – Stankonia (La Face)

A record that contains so many jams its ridiculous. Its totally weird and its 100% Futuristic Hot Shit. Out of all the groups on this list that need to have a return to glory, Outkast is tops.

6. Radiohead – Kid A (Capital)

Being a fan of The Bends and Ok Computer, I was originally taken a back by Kid A. The immediacy of those earlier records were replaced by dense electronic songs that felt so cold and distant. I'm a firm believer of this record now and I feel its a benchmark to how far you can push rock music. When you think about it, it makes sense how Radiohead in Kid A captured the emotions felt during this decade.

5. Sigur Ros - Ágætis Byrjun (Smekkleysa)

I remember being 16 years old and listening to this record for the first time in my room. It was like a sucker punch to the gut. Who knew a madeup language could register such emotion. It helps that the music is so damn pretty.

4. Daft Punk - Discovery (Virgin)

There's not a lot that you can say about this record that hasn't been said already. All I can say that its a record that illicits so much joy.

3. Sufjan Stevens – Illinoise (Asthmatic Kitty)

When I think of the word sprawling, I think of Illinoise almost instantly. This record can be a bit hit or miss but its such an ambitious record that you must give it, its due.

2. Panda Bear – Person Pitch (Paw Tracks)

Our generation's Pet Sounds. I'm totally serious. This record is layers upon layers of inspiration. And its such a simple record too what with its repeated loops and straight forward lyrics.

1. Arcade Fire – Funeral (Merge)

A record that illicits such a wave of emotions. A record that felt so personal yet was enjoyed (immensely) communally.

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