Monday, December 14, 2009

Best of 2009 (Part 1: Music)

Music (albums, songs, concerts):

1. Animal Collective: Merriweather Post Pavillion.

My album of the year. I think I had to listen to "My Girls" on a constant loop when I first heard it.

2. Grizzly Bear: Veckatimest

My second favorite album of this year. I still don't know how to pronounce the title though.

3. Phoenix: Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

I've always like Phoenix but I had no idea that they would be as BIG as they are now. God bless the French.

3. Girls: Album

Pizza and a bottle of wine. Nuff said.

4. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart: The Pains of Being Pure At Heart

I get a lot of shit for liking this band but listening to them makes me want to fly a kite with my imaginary girlfriend on the beach or chase after my cat (if i owned one) in the living room. And if that's wrong well then I dont know whats right. P.s. Peggy I <3 you.

5. Cass McCombs: Catacombs

Beautiful record. Also this record has produced three of my favorite videos of the year. Our generation will probably use You Saved My Life as the new song to play during their wedding.

6. The Jesus Lizard reunion.

Best reunion show I've ever seen. The show smelled like weed and male body odor. It was uh-may-zing.

7. My Bloody Valentine at Coachella.

Second best reunion show I've ever seen. Next time I ask you "can you repeat that but say it much louder," know that I asked you that because my ears essploded during this massive MBV set.

8. The Dream - Rockin That Shit

The Dream is a genius. Plain and simple. This song will change your life.

9. Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

Lady Gaga is probably our country's best musical entertainer since Elvis Presley. Ok maybe not but this video is pretty great with a song that has a chorus that will never get out of your head. This time its a good thing.

10. Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

Kanye West is still right about Taylor Swift BUT this song is pretty damn good.

Honorable Mention:

Interviewing Zach Condon (Beirut) and talking about hair and the finer points of washing it on tour.

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